
The Chair will pursue development (long-term) and specific (short-term) objectives.

Development objectives

  • Strengthening the creation of local knowledge and innovation ecosystems through networks of government, academia, industry and civil society (quadruple helix);
  • Providing innovative digital solutions to development problems faced by local communities; and
  • Designing mechanisms for transfer and adaptation of solutions to different context settings.

 The three proposed development objectives are refined into the following specific objectives

  • Developing human capacity through postgraduate education programs and undergraduate courses, particularly leadership capacity for developing Knowledge Societies and Digital Government initiatives;
  • Based on research findings, designing innovative digital solutions for Knowledge Societies and Digital Government;
  • Empowering local actors for co-creation, transfer and appropriation of innovative digital solutions for Knowledge Societies and Digital Government; and
  • Facilitating the sharing of information, knowledge and experiences among a network of national, regional and international academics and practitioners.